terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2016


What are psychologists?

 They are people who study the intersection of two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior, and another between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings.

Where do they work?

 Many psychologists work independently and also team up with other professionals — for example, with other scientists, physicians, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, policymakers and managers — to contribute to every area of society. Thus, we find them in laboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, community health centers, prisons and corporate offices.

Some of the subfields...

- Clinical: asses and treat mental, emotional and behaviour disorders. Such as depression, phobias and personal conflicts. 
- Cognitive and Perceptual: study human perception, thinking and memory. They also study reasoning, judgement and decision making.
- Community: work to strengthen the abilities of communities, organisations  and broader social systems to meet people's need.
- Educational: concentrate on how effective teaching and learning take place. Considering a lot of factors, including human abilities, student motivations and the effect on classrooms of different places. 
- Neuropsychologists: explore the relationships between brain systems and behaviour. How the brain creates and stores memory, for example.
- Forensic: apply psychological principles to legal issues. To conduct research on jury behaviour or eyewitness testimony.
- Evolutionary: Study mutation, adaptation and selective fitness influence human thought, feeling and behaviour. For example, some behaviours that were highly adaptive in our evolutionary past may no longer be adaptive in the modern world.

Best psychology university in Brazil is:

University of São Paulo -USP 

Best psychology university abroad:

Harvard University

The field of Psychology first emerged at Harvard in the late 1800's under the scholarship of William James, and ever since then Harvard has been at the forefront of the field. Psychology is one of the most popular courses of study among undergraduates at Harvard.

Notable psychologist:

Mary Whiton Calkins

 Mary Whiton Calkins was ready for an academic career before the patriarchal academic world of the late nineteenth century was ready for her. Calkins passed all the requirements for a Ph.D. at Harvard with distinction, and wrote her dissertation on memory, for which she developed the paired-associate experimental paradigm, one of the classic tools in memory research. In 1896 Münsterberg wrote to the president of Harvard that Calkins was, "one of the strongest professors of psychology in this country." A committee of six professors, including James, unanimously voted that Calkins had satisfied all the requirements, but she was refused a Harvard doctoral degree because she was a woman. 
 This technical set-back did not prevent Calkins from pressing on with her work. She began to teach psychology at Wellesley, and established the first psychology laboratory at an American women’s college.  In 1898 Calkins was elected as the American Psychological Association’s first female president.  She authored several books and lectured widely during her distinguished, decades-long career in psychology.

Ana Paula Cantu, Matheus Rabello, Marina Sanhudo e Sophia Berger.