sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

-design and drama-
Luiza H., Maria Eduarda A., Alexandre V. e Carol B.


To work as an illustrator is to create images for the purpose of illustrating your client's idea or project. You'll see illustrators working at magazines, books, packaging, movie posters, advertisement and much more.

Seneca College - Toronto, Canada

Seneca is a big university in Toronto made of various campuses spread throughout the town, one of them being the Seneca@York campus, where the Illustration program takes place. It's curriculum has various courses, such as Life Drawing, Applied Illustration History, Traditional Illustration Media, Business, Digital Tools, Creativity and Concept Development, Advertising/Packaging Illustration, Comic Illustration, Children's Illustration and others. The program is 4 trimesters long and it appears you for your future career as an illustrator, being it as a freelancer or part of a studio.

Fescher Ilustração Ltda.

The Fescher Ilustração studio is a well known studio located in Porto Alegre, Brazil, founded by Marcelo Fescher. Marcelo and his team have done illustrations for various companies that we all know, such as Globo, Renner, Nestlé, Walmart, Iguatemi, Garoto and Tramontina.

Also, you can apply to the Federal University Of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) if your interest is in a carrer such as design, drama or illustration. By living in Porto Alegre there is a bunch of universities to apply, but the better rated is UFRGS for sure. The Graduation Programs of the Design Institute of the UFRGS are among the best in the country. Besides all this propaganda, it's design undergraduate curriculum is based in the learning and enhancement  of several abilities such as CG, geometry, tecnology of materials, semiotics and technical drawing applied to design.


Performing Arts
Theatre Actor

As a Theatre Actor you need to be able to
interpret and represent a dramatic action based on
texts, sounds or others. You’ll be able to see theater actors performing in a theater or if they have luck and talent maybe you’ll find them on Broadway.

Coimbra University
Is one of the best universities in Portugal. It is made of various campuses being “Campus I”, where the Collage of Arts takes place. It’s curriculum have a loto f diferent couses, because in Coimbra Arts counts as musicology, film studies, theatrical or performative studies, photography and new media. The Coimbra college gives you the option of three diferente programs, each one of them with at least 4 semesters long.


    Graphic Design
A designer's function is to develop visual interfaces like sites, visual identities and graphic materials. A designer can actually work anywhere he wants, considering that any company needs an visual ID.. On the company he works at the DNA, that´s how it´s called the creation area, which is normally divided  into four pillars:
·      Communication
·      Social Media
·      Design
·      Content
Design is much more than make it look pretty, it is everywhere
Camberwell College of Arts – UK
The college's unique studio culture offers students the freedom and support to explore their individual creativity using facilities that embrace both traditional craftsmanship and digital technology.
To be considered for Camberwell´s  undergraduate courses, you usually need to have a strong portfolio and considerable knowledge of your subject. The Foundation Diploma in Art and Design is a year-long course where you explore various art and design disciplines, experiment with a range of materials, methods and approaches, and build a portfolio.

Architecture-Gustavo S


The architecture course projects and organizes internal and external spaces with different criterias of looks, confort, and functionality. It projects and coordenates the constrution or transformation of builldings. The architect makes the sketch and determines the materials that will be used in his project, considering the use of the realstate, the disponibility of the materials, ventilation and lighting. With the engineer, he also follows the construction and manages the costs of handwork and works on the final parts of the project. He also designs objects and elaborates signs and logos.


UNB is one of the most recognized universities in Brazil regarding the course of architecture. It`s course lasts 5 years and it covers topics about the industrialization of constructions, sustainable architecture, bioclimatics, design and visual programming. The University of Architecture and Urbanism of UNB (In portuguese, FAU-UNB) has laboratories of modelling, mockup creation, enviromental confort, civil construction and sustainability. To enter the university, one has the option of entering via Sisu or by UNB´s vestibular.


The Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT) beyond being one of the greatest universities in the world overall, it also offers the best architecture course in the world according to QS World University Rankings by Subject and many other univerrsity ranking organizations. Architecture was one of the four original courses offered by MIT in its inception.

Course for the searching of t r u t h and the ways of c o m m u n i c a t i o n; composed by: p h i l o s o p h y, v i s u a l and m u si c a l a r t s and last but not least ------ l e t t e r s

The best universities are the ones that we find inside ourselves, when we look for the answer and venture on the way to complete ----- blissfulness. In our current ideology of life, we are forced to search for high conceived universities around the world. Eventually, we discover the fact that, by studying on these places, we are only learning about interpretations of our world, not finding, however, the meaning of life in our own way of thinking. BUT, if you are blindly searching for those, you should consider perceiving the following ones:

University of New York
Royal College of Art, in GB
Berklee College of Music
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Universidade Nacional de Brasília

Berklee College of M U S I C is a college located in the great state of Massachusetts in the big, bold beautiful Boston. They are a world wide renowed music teaching college because of their great,
method of teaching the musical path
It is the largest indenpedent music college of our blessed mother Earth. They were revolutionary because of the mindset they developed: teaching musical art with the music of today.
UFRGS, also known as The Great Federal University of Rio Grande do $ul. It is a public university that has all the courses that we plan to do. It is also known as the easiest federal universities to ingress in Brasil. 
We are inspired (and sometimes guided) by many people that, on the search for truth, found their way into their desires. Some of them are:

Martin Heidegger: a terrific philosopher studying fenomenology and starting continental philosophy, a area that promoved a lot of possibilities.

Tim Burton: an artist, director of many Hollywoodian movies. He is a great illuminated person.

John Greenwood: he`s the guitar player and general composer from Radiohead. He is also a blessed by the great God Universe and surely inspires Carlo, a future musician

Steven Wilson: s a d boy, music composer of many songs from the prog genre, some of them have over 20 minutes.

Pier Paolo Pasolini and Andrei Tarkovsky: Both are great directors who made their way through independent cinema, also working as essayists for the craft and going into literature as poets.   

Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler: two pshycoanalysists that contrast in theirs teories about the psique. By studying both of them teories, we can create our own way of understanding.  


By Bárbara Parode, Felipe Petry and Júlia Chaves

When we talk about economy and business we cover different kinds of undergraduate programs such as Economy itself, Administration and Production Engineering.

 If you are interested in learning how to lead and manage a company financially then Economy is the right course for you. The course will not only teach you how to manage and expand companies but also how to product and distribute, worldwide, all things that are essential to men, such as food, clothing and any commercial goods. Once you are an economist (a professional) you´ll be able to distinguish a good financial resource from a bad one, behold any budgetary restrictions with a different “look”, use numbers to project how much a company will grow in a certain amount of years and (the best of all) work in the stock market.

   The Administration course forms professionals that can act in different functioning of enterprises areas: financial administration, marketing and human resources. They all verge to the same idea: strategy and logistics of a company. The good performance of an administrator, for example, results in profit maximization for the company, but there are also non-profit organizations.

   When studying Production Engineering you immerse along in the other two courses. This Engineering is responsible for the management of human resources, financial resources, gather and distribution of factory materials. A production engineer must have a dynamic spirit, like to study, be compromised, be a good team mate, be communicative and behave well. Always focused in enhancing and increasing productivity, a production engineer is, nowadays, essential to all workforces and industries, being the bond between the technical and administrative sector. 

   One of world´s best Economy courses is in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The University is located in Massachusetts, USA. Brazil´s top Economy university is the Escola de Economia de São Paulo (EESP), Fundação Getúlio Vargas, located in São Paulo.
    Eleanor Ostrom was the first women to ever receive the Economy Nobel Prize in 2009, when she was 78 years old. Her work pointed that natural goods can be successfully managed by ordinary people, with no need for governmental intervention, regulations or privatization. It analyzes people´s control over common property such as air, water and public spaces. Her work challenges the “Common Tragedy” theory, in which the environment would be destroyed due to incorporations that only worry about the monetary value of things and have no concern at all for the impact it causes in public spaces.


quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

Trabalho de Inglês

Names: Gabriel Fachinello Wandscheer, Juliano Fernandes, Nikolas Soares e Felipe Folberg
Date: 18/08/2016

Our main field of interest is the law, the main matters of law school are: civil law, criminal law, family law, administrative law, etc ... Doing these chairs after graduating you can become a sponsor, delegate, lawyer, judge, etc ...
It is important to know that regardless of the chosen area you will end up working with justice, defending an innocent or doing justice to the guilty.

One of the best law schools in Brazil is in UFRGS which is located in Porto Alegre, but the top 1 in the ranking of the best law schools is the US, Yale University.

Ricardo Lewandowski

- Current President of the Supreme Court.
- Bachelor of Laws in 1973 from the Faculty of Law of São Bernardo do Campo, he was Professor of that college too.
-Accomplishments: Lewandowsk served as reviewer of Criminal Action four hundred seventy (470), a process which they were judged the crimes committed in the so called "mensalão", a parliamentary bribery scheme to buy votes in the upper echelons of the Lula government, financed through misuse of public money.
- He is also the Conducter of the acts of the trial of Dilma in the impeachment process.


Health - Medicine



The doctor investigates the nature and causes of human disease, looking for their healing and prevention. Human health is the doctor of the study object. It searches, prevents and treats disorders and diseases. Therefore, it is essential that it is always well informed and updated about new drugs, techniques and technologies. Make a diagnosis or asks tests, prescribe medications and performs surgeries. Also participates in prevention and planning of public health programs. There is work for the doctor in hospitals, clinics, health centers and businesses. Much acts in his own office.


The curriculum is pulled, the period is full and there are seminars, research and shifts in hospitals. In the first two years, the student has basic subjects, such as anatomy and pathology. Other subjects are molecular and cellular bases of normal and abnormal processes, pathophysiology of the signs and symptoms of disease, among others. Much of educational institutions offering practical subjects at the beginning of the course. However, dealing with patients only from the third year in vocational courses and training in service. Years of residency after graduation, are for those who want to get a specialization.


General principles of organization of the human body. Organization of organ systems. 


Biophysics of Membranes (nature, interaction and function of biological membranes components). Molecular Biology (flow of genetic information and its applications in biology). Radioisotopes (radiation, tracers and radiation protection, ultrasound, laser) and Radiobiology (cell repair, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis).


General surgery, thoracic, vascular, plastic, proctologic, urological and neurological. Preoperative and postoperative surgical patients. Indications, methods and results of surgical treatment of major diseases. Surgical pathology, surgical emergencies, surgical technique bases. Bases of anesthesia. Discernment of surgical conditions as the indications for surgery or medical therapy option.


General principles. Pharmacokinetics. Relationship between concentration and effect of the drug. Drugs that act in the synapses and the neuro- effector junctions. Autacoids and antagonists. Clinical pharmacology of local anesthetics. Endocrine Pharmacology: hormones and antagonists. Drugs that act on infectious and parasitic diseases. Drugs acting on the respiratory system: analeptic, depressants, Mucokinetic and antitussives. Antimicrobial chemotherapy and antineoplastic. Oestrogens, progestogens and oral contraceptives. 

Gynecology and obstetrics

Dysmorphisms. Genital dystopias. Functional disorders. Sterility and contraception. Inflammatory processes. Tumors and dysplasias. Urgencies. Ethical implications.

Microbiology and Immunology 

Study of the characteristics of bacterial cells of the immune system and viral diseases as well as the pathogenesi, immunity and methods for controlling and laboratory diagnosis of major human infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

General pathology 

Concept of disease by studying the aggressors and the body's response to this aggression. Study of various types of assault with emphasis on clinicopathological correlation by integrating morphological findings with clinical. 

Forensic pathology 

Conceptual study of death and cadaveric phenomena. Natural deaths and violent deaths (criminal, suicide and accidental). Legal aspects of death certificates. Forensic traumatology. Causation of damage. General pathology of injuries, disabilities and deaths caused by external energy.

Workup Clinic

Learning major signs and symptoms and clinical syndromes. Adult and child anamnesis. Systemized semiotechnique adult as general inspection and vital signs. Radiologic workup. Basic techniques of nursing. The student's relationship with the patient. 

Harvard is one of the most selective colleges in the world. Probably the most. For the academic year starting next September, 30,489 young people have signed up to, the bachelor's degree and only 2,110 were approved. There is no cut-off point. All material submitted by applicants is read carefully from beginning to end for at least two employees of the team responsible for the selection.
The US grading system is very different from Brazil. Moreover, in Harvard, in particular, the student chooses not previously in that area will be formed. The university offers two types of bachelor's degree, which is called "undergraduate program": Arts and Sciences. In the first three semesters, students do not have to choose in which area they want to specialize. "It's a self-process. They have the chance to discover what they like throughout the course, "says Jim Pautz, professional responsible for the first analysis of the inscriptions of Brazilians in the selection process. Of the 32 subjects required to obtain the diploma, only eight are mandatory, ie, students choose 75% of the classes will attend.
Unlike Brazil, some professions such as law and medicine require one-second degree in the United States, the so-called "graduate programs", beyond graduation.

The Faculty of Medicine joined the University of São Paulo on January 25, 1934, through Decree 6,283. From that date, the school received the name it still holds today.
The clinical practice sessions and surgery continued to be held at the Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Paulo, until 1944, when it opened the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, now considered the largest hospital complex in Latin America.
Throughout its history, it has undergone numerous physical changes that were changing their original form, adapting its spaces to the new and growing demands of medical education, not always compatible with the type of pre- existing facilities. Consequently, it was emerging a building with characteristics and interventions from different eras.

In the list devoted to medicine, the best-evaluated university was Harvard, with an overall score of 99.4. In second place, the University of Oxford got a score of 95.8.
The United States dominates the list: the top 10 courses, six are offered by American institutions.
The three best evaluated Brazilian universities were USP (Universidade de São Paulo), ranked among the 51st and 100th positions , Unifesp ( Federal University of São Paulo ) , located between 151st and 200th places, and Unicamp ( University of Campinas ) , in the range between 201st and 250th position .


At the end of the decade of 40, the Plastic Surgery NOT was recognized as a specialty, and The Young Surgeons found much difficulty acquire the required knowledge to the practice of the profession. Barriers motivated Ivo Pitanguy one hum contest Participating is Institute of International Education. Awarded a scholarship, Departed paragraph Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), the resident surgeon condition of Professor John Longacre, in Bethesda Hospital. At the same time, he attended the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, And Plastic Surgery Service to Dr. John Marquis Converse in New York. Back in Brazil, and with the first Hand Surgery Service Creation in South America after a stint in America, Pitanguy was imbued hair desire to put in practice an acquired experience. Despite the difficulties encountered in structural country, he acted at the 19th ward as head of the Santa Casa Surgery Service - The Hand Surgery First across South America - restoring dignity and hope to many needy patients and Victims of deformities.

Gianny Maydana, Laura Gomes e Victória Falavigna      3C

Fields of Knowledge: Social Studies & Human Behavior.

''A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence"
- Sigmund Freud
Fields of interest and work:

Sciences: Physics

          The prevailing interest between the members of our group are courses that have very much to do with physics and mathematics, some examples of the courses of interest are: Aeronautic Science and Astrophysics, although both have similar áreas of interest, they differ a lot when it comes to practice and theory.

          -  Starting with practice, there is Aeronautic Science, since it's main objective is the application of it's studies when flying a real airplane, even if theory is present in it's subjects list, it has an objective that is practical. Upon the graduation of this particular course, students gain what is called a Commercial Pilot License, which allows them to pilot commercial planes.

          - On the other hand we have Astrophysics, a course with it's main objective focused on research and study, in the case of this course knowledge isn't a "means to an end", but an end in and of itself. It has practic, observation is vital if you want to work in any observatory (Hence the name), but that's as practical as it can get. While the course ist't particularly popular, the workplace availability is pretty high (as long as you are in the right country).

          When it comes to the best universities in Brazil, the options are scarce, due to unpopularity or investiment costs, but some well known ones for the Aeronautic Sciences are: PUCRS, Fumec (Belo Horizonte) and PUC (Goiânia). As for Astrophysics there is UFRGS and UFRJ.


      As for the best universities worldwide we chose the 2 most well known universities for Aeronautical Science and Astrophysics: MIAT (Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology) and CIT (Califórnia Institute of Technology).



       Some of the best professionals known to the world or to people dedicated to the particular studies:

   - Santos Dumont ("Father of Aviantion").
   - Wright Brothers ("Fathers of Aviation").
   - Neil deGrasse Tyson (Famous Astrophyscicist, also the host of "Cosmos").
   - Carl Segan ( Astrobiologist, astronomer and writer of over 600 scientific publications).

     Carl Segan was the host of an older version of Cosmos, his name is well known to the scientific community, since his achievements include the publication of over 600 articles about Science and his directorship of the planetary studies lab on Cornell University.
     Segan has also written various Science fiction books, and non fictional scientific books, he has recieved the Pulitzer Award for his book Dragons of Eden.
      On top of all that he was one of the first scientists to study the greenhouse effect
 on a planetary scale.

Vinícius, Henrique and Fábio


terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2016

The world of Engineering


-MIT-In this topic we intend to talk about the best Engineering  universities in all over the world.
The best Engineering university in the world is MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),because it has the biggest levels of Academic Reputation(100), they also have a score of 100 in employer reputation, and in many other aspects.The only"weak" point of the MIT is their's international students program.
They mostly well know by their's research level, inside of MIT are located some of the most high tech labs in the world.They where the ones reponsible by the discovery of the gravitational waves.
Although MIT is a great university it has it's down sides(also known as their price), if you want to make a engineering course in MIT you will have to spent $48,000(R$153,120),only in order to pay by the whole course, in order to study in the MIT you also should take into account what you are going to eat and where you are going to live.

-USP-Is the oldest university in Brazil, is known to be the best in many areas of expertise here in Brazil.It's general spot in the World Ranking of Universities(QS) is 143.When compared to MIT,USP has much bigger range of courses and a bigger amount of students.

-What does a Engineering do?- In our society the engineering career is well known for it's big enphasis on math, but the course isin't only solving math problems, the engineering course is much more complex and based on using the math as tool to solve logical problems, such as the building of a building.We have many diferent areas of expertise in engineering,some tend to say that there is an engineering for every aspect of our life's.For exemple we have Computer Engineering(joaquim's course) and Production Engineering(Arthur and Ivan's course).
The engineer mostly end up working in a company, that needs a professional with it's feats.

-Well known professionals- Okay so here it come's a list of the greatests engineer of all times:
-Tim cook(apple ceo)
-Henry ford(ford "creator")
-Steve wozkiak(the maker of the apple one and two{the first PC})
-Nokola Tesla(The discover of  alternate current)
-Linus Torvalds(The creator of the most used OS in the world Linux)
-Kai-Fu Lee( The reponsable to create the whole "enthernet" in china)
-Mike Duke( The founder of Wallmart)
-Bill Gates(The founder of Microsoft)
-Alexander Graham Bell(The inventor of the Telephone)
-Takashi Mukaibo(The reponsable to bring nuclear energy to Japan)

-Some things that have been made only because of engineering:

known as the biggest feat of engineering:

By:Arthur Oscar,Ivan and Joaquim


Health Care - Danrlei, Laura P., Lucas e Rafaela.


Our field of interest is clearly in the health care area, where we can relate three different courses: Medicine, Physiotherapy and Veterinary Medicine. All of them, on its own courses, contains at least one subject from the other ones. For example, all of them work with anatomy classes and how the body of humans or animals work.


It is hard to choose the best university, because if you study and compromise with the course all of them can be good in some certain ways, but here is some of the most crowded universities in the world and Porto Alegre.

Clearly the most wanted Med School is Harvard, who didn't ever thought on studying there? They have the best campus and the most intelligent people studying there, which
makes it one of the best in the world.

Med School Campus - Harvard University, USA

University of East Anglia, in England, is considered one of the best in the world, including the physiotherapy course. The course recently achieved top ranking in Physiotherapy with the Complete University Guide - making the program the best in the UK.

University of East Anglia, UK

Veterinary Medicine
Davis University of California is considered one of the best in the US for veterinary medicine, the quality of life on campus is enhanced by its proximity to the state capital and the San Francisco Bay Area, sites that offer a wealth of additional cultural, political, and social opportunities.

In Porto Alegre the best university is UFRGS, a public one which is really attended by people from all around the country. Because of this, it's really difficult for entering, because the selection is made trough a really hard exam.


Ben Carson 

Ben Carson, now a retired American neurosurgeon and acclaimed author, was the first man to have successfully separated conjoined twins who were joined at the head. He and his team of doctors created history in 1987 by successfully separating the Binder twins, Patrick and Benjamin, both of whom survived and went on to lead individual lives. Today it might seem impossible to imagine that this brilliant neurosurgeon was once a poor student in school. Raised by a single mother, childhood was not easy for young Ben and he seemed poised to get into trouble. His mother Sonya though uneducated herself persuaded her children to study well and guided the boy away from trouble. Under her direction he blossomed into a great student who went to medical school. Eventually he became a world renowned neurosurgeon who specialized in separating conjoined twins. Carson is also the author of several best-sellers and has an interest in politics.

Louis J. Camuti 

Louis J. Camuti was a New York City veterinarian who made housecalls on cats and their people for over sixty years. He was the first veterinarian in the United States to devote his entire practice to cats. When Camuti was about 11 years old, he had typhoid fever, and while sick in bed, his mother left the house with food cooking on the stove. When the pot boiled over, gas began to fill the home. Their cat jumped onto his chest and weaved her head back and forth. He was too weak to get out of bed, and felt the cats efforts may have saved his life. Camuti began specializing in cats around 1932-33. At the time, veterinarians did not spend much time providing services to cats. Former patients and friends honor his pioneering commitment to the health of cats through the Dr. Louis J. Camuti Memorial Fund at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Feline Health Center, which continues his life’s work.

Florence P. Kendall

Florence Kendall has dedicated nearly seventy years of her life to physical therapy.  She played a major role in drafting the original bill that was enacted into law in 1947, legally establishing the practice of physical therapy in Maryland. Her book, Muscle Testing and Function, originally published in 1949, is now in its fourth edition, and has been translated into eight foreign languages. Mrs. Kendall is a founding member of the American Physical Therapy Association of Maryland and served as its President from 1939-41 and 1957-59.  She has been active in the APTA at the State and federal levels and has tirelessly provided years of service to the physical therapy profession.  She has served as a consultant to the Surgeon General, United States Army. Florence Kendall continues to be one of this country's foremost physical therapists, and it's a role model for all physical therapists.

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2016


In our group, we have people that cares about other humans and animals. There are many courses that involves the health area, like physiotherapy, medicine, veterinary medicine and biomedicine, which are our fields of interest.

Things that are important to know about those courses:


- It is the hardest course avaiable in regular universities in Brazil, with an average of 90 people per spot (UFRGS).
- It is the longest course, the regular course takes 8 years, but if you decide to do certain specializations it could be up to 14.


- It is a new course that has existed for only five years at UFRGS.
- In some other countries this course does not exist as bachalor degree, just technical.
-The best university in Brazil is in Belo Horizone (UFMG), but UFRGS is among the top 10.


- It's a course that stands between biology and medicine;
- Studies the causes and treatments of diseases;
- You can work as a researcher or a professor;
- The best university in Brazil stays in Pará (UFPA), and the best in the world is in Harvard (USA).

Veterinary Medicine: 
- The course has average duration of 5 years
- You can work in several areas, such as a research center, industry products for animals, be a surgeon...
- Some of the best universities are UFG (Goiânia), UFRGS (Porto alegre), UFMG (Belo Horizonte), UFPR (Curitiba)...

Important character:
One of the greatest scientists in the health area, in our group opinion, is the Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist, Alexander Fleming. He wrote many articles on bacteriology, immunology, and chemotherapy. His most important discovery was the antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin, from the mould Penicillium notatum, discovered in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. His discovery of penicillin had changed the world of modern medicine, and has saved, and is still saving, millions of people around the world. Through his life he won many awards and honours, Fleming was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, in 1943, awarded the Hunterian Professorship by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, knighted, as a Knight Bachelor, by king George VI, in 1944, and made a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise, in 1948.

Sir Alexander Fleming