quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

Health - Medicine



The doctor investigates the nature and causes of human disease, looking for their healing and prevention. Human health is the doctor of the study object. It searches, prevents and treats disorders and diseases. Therefore, it is essential that it is always well informed and updated about new drugs, techniques and technologies. Make a diagnosis or asks tests, prescribe medications and performs surgeries. Also participates in prevention and planning of public health programs. There is work for the doctor in hospitals, clinics, health centers and businesses. Much acts in his own office.


The curriculum is pulled, the period is full and there are seminars, research and shifts in hospitals. In the first two years, the student has basic subjects, such as anatomy and pathology. Other subjects are molecular and cellular bases of normal and abnormal processes, pathophysiology of the signs and symptoms of disease, among others. Much of educational institutions offering practical subjects at the beginning of the course. However, dealing with patients only from the third year in vocational courses and training in service. Years of residency after graduation, are for those who want to get a specialization.


General principles of organization of the human body. Organization of organ systems. 


Biophysics of Membranes (nature, interaction and function of biological membranes components). Molecular Biology (flow of genetic information and its applications in biology). Radioisotopes (radiation, tracers and radiation protection, ultrasound, laser) and Radiobiology (cell repair, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis).


General surgery, thoracic, vascular, plastic, proctologic, urological and neurological. Preoperative and postoperative surgical patients. Indications, methods and results of surgical treatment of major diseases. Surgical pathology, surgical emergencies, surgical technique bases. Bases of anesthesia. Discernment of surgical conditions as the indications for surgery or medical therapy option.


General principles. Pharmacokinetics. Relationship between concentration and effect of the drug. Drugs that act in the synapses and the neuro- effector junctions. Autacoids and antagonists. Clinical pharmacology of local anesthetics. Endocrine Pharmacology: hormones and antagonists. Drugs that act on infectious and parasitic diseases. Drugs acting on the respiratory system: analeptic, depressants, Mucokinetic and antitussives. Antimicrobial chemotherapy and antineoplastic. Oestrogens, progestogens and oral contraceptives. 

Gynecology and obstetrics

Dysmorphisms. Genital dystopias. Functional disorders. Sterility and contraception. Inflammatory processes. Tumors and dysplasias. Urgencies. Ethical implications.

Microbiology and Immunology 

Study of the characteristics of bacterial cells of the immune system and viral diseases as well as the pathogenesi, immunity and methods for controlling and laboratory diagnosis of major human infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

General pathology 

Concept of disease by studying the aggressors and the body's response to this aggression. Study of various types of assault with emphasis on clinicopathological correlation by integrating morphological findings with clinical. 

Forensic pathology 

Conceptual study of death and cadaveric phenomena. Natural deaths and violent deaths (criminal, suicide and accidental). Legal aspects of death certificates. Forensic traumatology. Causation of damage. General pathology of injuries, disabilities and deaths caused by external energy.

Workup Clinic

Learning major signs and symptoms and clinical syndromes. Adult and child anamnesis. Systemized semiotechnique adult as general inspection and vital signs. Radiologic workup. Basic techniques of nursing. The student's relationship with the patient. 

Harvard is one of the most selective colleges in the world. Probably the most. For the academic year starting next September, 30,489 young people have signed up to, the bachelor's degree and only 2,110 were approved. There is no cut-off point. All material submitted by applicants is read carefully from beginning to end for at least two employees of the team responsible for the selection.
The US grading system is very different from Brazil. Moreover, in Harvard, in particular, the student chooses not previously in that area will be formed. The university offers two types of bachelor's degree, which is called "undergraduate program": Arts and Sciences. In the first three semesters, students do not have to choose in which area they want to specialize. "It's a self-process. They have the chance to discover what they like throughout the course, "says Jim Pautz, professional responsible for the first analysis of the inscriptions of Brazilians in the selection process. Of the 32 subjects required to obtain the diploma, only eight are mandatory, ie, students choose 75% of the classes will attend.
Unlike Brazil, some professions such as law and medicine require one-second degree in the United States, the so-called "graduate programs", beyond graduation.

The Faculty of Medicine joined the University of São Paulo on January 25, 1934, through Decree 6,283. From that date, the school received the name it still holds today.
The clinical practice sessions and surgery continued to be held at the Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Paulo, until 1944, when it opened the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, now considered the largest hospital complex in Latin America.
Throughout its history, it has undergone numerous physical changes that were changing their original form, adapting its spaces to the new and growing demands of medical education, not always compatible with the type of pre- existing facilities. Consequently, it was emerging a building with characteristics and interventions from different eras.

In the list devoted to medicine, the best-evaluated university was Harvard, with an overall score of 99.4. In second place, the University of Oxford got a score of 95.8.
The United States dominates the list: the top 10 courses, six are offered by American institutions.
The three best evaluated Brazilian universities were USP (Universidade de São Paulo), ranked among the 51st and 100th positions , Unifesp ( Federal University of São Paulo ) , located between 151st and 200th places, and Unicamp ( University of Campinas ) , in the range between 201st and 250th position .


At the end of the decade of 40, the Plastic Surgery NOT was recognized as a specialty, and The Young Surgeons found much difficulty acquire the required knowledge to the practice of the profession. Barriers motivated Ivo Pitanguy one hum contest Participating is Institute of International Education. Awarded a scholarship, Departed paragraph Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), the resident surgeon condition of Professor John Longacre, in Bethesda Hospital. At the same time, he attended the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, And Plastic Surgery Service to Dr. John Marquis Converse in New York. Back in Brazil, and with the first Hand Surgery Service Creation in South America after a stint in America, Pitanguy was imbued hair desire to put in practice an acquired experience. Despite the difficulties encountered in structural country, he acted at the 19th ward as head of the Santa Casa Surgery Service - The Hand Surgery First across South America - restoring dignity and hope to many needy patients and Victims of deformities.

Gianny Maydana, Laura Gomes e Victória Falavigna      3C

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