sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Architecture-Gustavo S


The architecture course projects and organizes internal and external spaces with different criterias of looks, confort, and functionality. It projects and coordenates the constrution or transformation of builldings. The architect makes the sketch and determines the materials that will be used in his project, considering the use of the realstate, the disponibility of the materials, ventilation and lighting. With the engineer, he also follows the construction and manages the costs of handwork and works on the final parts of the project. He also designs objects and elaborates signs and logos.


UNB is one of the most recognized universities in Brazil regarding the course of architecture. It`s course lasts 5 years and it covers topics about the industrialization of constructions, sustainable architecture, bioclimatics, design and visual programming. The University of Architecture and Urbanism of UNB (In portuguese, FAU-UNB) has laboratories of modelling, mockup creation, enviromental confort, civil construction and sustainability. To enter the university, one has the option of entering via Sisu or by UNB´s vestibular.


The Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT) beyond being one of the greatest universities in the world overall, it also offers the best architecture course in the world according to QS World University Rankings by Subject and many other univerrsity ranking organizations. Architecture was one of the four original courses offered by MIT in its inception.

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