sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Course for the searching of t r u t h and the ways of c o m m u n i c a t i o n; composed by: p h i l o s o p h y, v i s u a l and m u si c a l a r t s and last but not least ------ l e t t e r s

The best universities are the ones that we find inside ourselves, when we look for the answer and venture on the way to complete ----- blissfulness. In our current ideology of life, we are forced to search for high conceived universities around the world. Eventually, we discover the fact that, by studying on these places, we are only learning about interpretations of our world, not finding, however, the meaning of life in our own way of thinking. BUT, if you are blindly searching for those, you should consider perceiving the following ones:

University of New York
Royal College of Art, in GB
Berklee College of Music
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Universidade Nacional de Brasília

Berklee College of M U S I C is a college located in the great state of Massachusetts in the big, bold beautiful Boston. They are a world wide renowed music teaching college because of their great,
method of teaching the musical path
It is the largest indenpedent music college of our blessed mother Earth. They were revolutionary because of the mindset they developed: teaching musical art with the music of today.
UFRGS, also known as The Great Federal University of Rio Grande do $ul. It is a public university that has all the courses that we plan to do. It is also known as the easiest federal universities to ingress in Brasil. 
We are inspired (and sometimes guided) by many people that, on the search for truth, found their way into their desires. Some of them are:

Martin Heidegger: a terrific philosopher studying fenomenology and starting continental philosophy, a area that promoved a lot of possibilities.

Tim Burton: an artist, director of many Hollywoodian movies. He is a great illuminated person.

John Greenwood: he`s the guitar player and general composer from Radiohead. He is also a blessed by the great God Universe and surely inspires Carlo, a future musician

Steven Wilson: s a d boy, music composer of many songs from the prog genre, some of them have over 20 minutes.

Pier Paolo Pasolini and Andrei Tarkovsky: Both are great directors who made their way through independent cinema, also working as essayists for the craft and going into literature as poets.   

Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler: two pshycoanalysists that contrast in theirs teories about the psique. By studying both of them teories, we can create our own way of understanding.  

Um comentário:

    T R A B A L H O D E I N G L E S

    A E S T H E T I C V A P O R W A V E

    D O N N I E D A R K O P R I M E R

    D A N K M E M E S
    P U S H I N G G A Y W A R D S C O N T I N E N T A L

    V A P E N A T I O N P A P A I N T H E H O U S E

    P U S S Y
    W E E D
    M O N E Y

    E L L I O T O P A I
    I S A I A S O F I L H O
    J U N I N H O E S P I R I T O S A N T O

    $ $ $ N O C O U N T R Y F O R O L D M A N $ $ $

    G U Y L I - I E R M E M E S C H U L E R
    P E X X X M A R T I N S
    A L I B A B B A S P E R B
    B O O G E R M C P O O P E R G I A N L U P I
