quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

Lauren Castro 3A

I started studying at João XXIII in 2004, where I conquered many friendships in the past 13 years. I´ve met some incredible people, that´s probably why I´m so in love with this school
I still remember many things as if they happened yesterday. In kinder garden, the orca whale was my favourite cartoon, along with the sunflower. A play we performed that same faze of my life, marked me. Coincidently, I was a whale at the play.
Junior High reminds me of “mother and daughter” games, also of who would pick more pitangas during break, birthdays after school and our firsts dancing parties.
In 2013 (8th grade), things started to change. It was our first graduation year, groups (of friends) were getting solid and parties start to become more and more frequent. I´ve always had a really good friend each year, but this year I managed to form a group of friends who´d never be apart, if our due paper is in groups, we´d always do it together.
Between all history this institution carries, the year of 2016 will always be the one that had the most impact, the last one we can´t forget. Looking back to all my school journey, I´m sure that the memories I carry from João XXIII are unique, and would´ve never been so amazing if it weren´t here, with these people.
I´m still not prepared to say goodbye to this place that made me feel so good and so happy, a place in which for years. Was my second home. I hope that everyone who´s still with me for this last year, can be one of those people you meet by accident on the street, years and years after high school, and still remember everything you went through together. There´s a new faze of our lives coming, and it´s far away from high school and from this school.
Thank you João, for being different!

I Guess This is Goodbye

I vividly remember how my first school experience felt (which is very strange, considering that I was about 3 years old). I remember not wanting to go to kinder garden. I didn’t want to leave the house, the comfort, my parents. I guess the only thing that got me to go was my brother (that’s what I´ve been told). Having my twin there with me apparently made me more confident. When we got there I didn´t want to let go of my dad´s hand, I couldn´t. But as soon as this kid came up to me and asked if I wanted to play with him, I felt immediately at home. My parents left and time flew by quickly, once I realized it was already time to leave, I was devastated. I didn´t want to go home. I wanted to stay there, having fun and nap time.
A few years went by and on the last year of kinder garden I met this amazing girl, Bárbara. I remember starring at her blond hair falling as she went from the bottom of the “escadinha” right to the top, in less than 10 seconds (that´s what it seemed). We became friends instantly. We used to always go to each other´s houses, draw and watch TV all afternoon.

I remember feeling so grown up when we got into 1st grade (Bárbara and I went to the same school). I met some really amazing people, who ended up being my classmates until 7th grade: Duda, Klaus, Taikan and Gabriel.
On 3rd grade, this new girl became our classmate. Her name is Serena. She was always happy and friendly (no wonder we´re still friends). Me, Bárbara, Duda and Serena became best friends. On 4th grade there was another “new girl”, Bella, she had just moved from Botucatu (SP). I can´t properly explain how it felt to meet her, but I felt like I had known her my entire life. I don´t think I´ve ever had a better (best) friend than her. We used to be in so much synchrony with each other, people thought we were sisters, and we really were.

 A few years later I met my (male) best friend, William. Again, I don´t think I´ve ever been more close to somebody, than him. We had similar taste for everything, from music to hobbies. He was sort of my soulmate for a while.
My life was stable for a while, but then everything changed. Bella moved to Florianópolis and our class split up. I changed schools along with some of my best friends: Bárbara, Serena, Duda and Kaka. We started attending João XXIII, it was one of the most important and significant things I´d ever done. I barely knew my life was about to change forever.
At first I was so nervous about having new classmates, difficult tests, exams (trimestrais), and thought it was very strange to change classrooms from class to class. But then I got used to everything, and became friends with an amazing girl: Lauren. She was the first person who came to talk to us, she made us feel comfortable and at home at the new school. We´ve been best friends since then. 
That same year the school proposed a trip to London, to learn English. I went, along with Laura, Luísa, Renata, Luiza and some other girls. After the trip, I became good friends with Laura and the other girls, but only by the end of the year we were really close.

My 1st High School year was one of the bests. The whole class became really close and we started going out together, to parties, to the mall and even to the movies. I have many good memories from that year. It definitely “left a mark”.
I received a gift on my 2nd High School year, Rafaela. (Unfortunately, but fortunately) she had to take that grade again, and we ended up becoming friends, best friends (me + the whole party). She was, for sure, the most important thing that happened that year. Always painfully honest (in a good way) and opened minded, she conquered my heart. In the same year, I got invited to be a part of the student council, 2nd best thing I´ve ever done. It was so much fun planning everything for the “Gincana GEJ” and being responsible for translating the thoughts of students.

But I believe the most important decision (and best thing) I´ve ever done, was going to Canada as an exchange student, for 6 months. I loved everything about my time there, the people, my hosts, everyone I got to meet, the safety, the quiet, the food, the snow, springtime, summertime, and, most importantly, I loved that I got to go with Luísa. My time there allowed me to grow as a person, become more independent, more responsible, and be happier. Canada was a BIG part of my High School experience, even though time was short. 

Coming back to Brazil was harder than I thought. I had to leave my life there (in Canada) behind, put it on pause, and that wasn´t easy to do. Of course, seeing my friends again was gratifying, I missed them so much, I even missed getting mad at them. But this feeling that something had come to an end left a whole in my stomach. And the feeling won´t go away, especially now that we´re on our last High School year.
Every time I think about it I get nostalgic, I can´t believe it´s ending. This knot forms in my throat, and I can nor breathe or cry. I´m not quite sure what it is, but it doesn´t feel good. I´m going to miss everyone so, so much. School has been an amazing journey, one that I´ll always carry in my heart. I can´t say friends are for life, but our connection sure is. I love you guys, and I´ll miss you. I can´t imagine how my life could´ve been without you. We´ll keep in touch. <3

Júlia Chaves

In the first year of high school I was taking class American in college Conhecerrr, and I had a teacher who possessed great intimacy with me, she the much of the teachers of Portuguese was a very experienced lady, this intimacy between us started in my graduation from eighth grade, she was honored Among the teachers, and at the very moment que spoke her name I screamed very loudly, "GOSTOSAAAAAAA". Then When They called for me to get diplomo she shouted at me: "GOSTOSOOOOOO". From there at least once a day in class I called her hot and she called me good. After all this bond acquired I kind of ended up with it in the tragic but funny. She had left the class and left the book open, so I put a toy cockroach inside her book and spent a few pages, she arrived, opened the book, jumped up on the chair and cried, she looked at me and redbourn me cordenação When we got there the cordenadora and the director laughed at her, she got mad and threw my cheap far, hence I got the rest of the class looking for my cockroach in the grass. The detail is that at that time I was "means" chubby, and I was very messed up by my colleagues for being fat, I used to fall enough, etc ...

This is the teacher

This is me at the time
Name: Juliano Cincinato Cadore Fernandes
Class: 3A

Catharina Baumgarten Bins Ely

Marina Sanhudo 3C

I have studied at João XXIII since I was a child learning how to write and how to deal with people. I came from a day care center called "Fábrica dos Sonhos" when I was 4 or 5 years old, I knew every single teacher, every single official and every single student there, so I was very insecure to change my surroundings. That's why I used to cry every time my father let me on school and I used to beg him to take me home again. Days later I made some friends and I started begging him to take me to school on the weekends (after the first homework teacher gave me it stopped happening). Some of this friends I made in my first year at João are still my classmates and are very important to me. Certainly João XXIII made part of my history and had a big impact creating who I am now a days. I know every single teacher here, and I feel João XXIII my second home, that is why things won't be that different in this new stage, I will feel insecure again when going to university, but I can't beg my father to take me home anymore. The only sure I have is that changes are necessary, and if going from João XXIII to university looks like going from Fabrica dos Sonhos to João XXIII, I know it will be strange and I will feel lost in the beginning, but when it's over I will start feeling home again.

Time to say goodbye - Vitória Batistella, 3A

My school life went from Rosário to Leo beta and then João XXIII. I won’t focus on the first two, because there are somethings I rather not think about. Anyways, I guess the thing that attracted me the most to João was the mini ‘zoo’, it was wonderful to me that a school could have cute animals and teach you stuff at the same time. I’ll admit, in my first few years I was really awkward - but not cute awkward- the type of awkward you try to stay away from. Somewhere along the way I grew out of that strange phase – I think I’m better now-. João was a real game changer to me, it was the first time a teacher actually cared for me and it felt good. It’s important to have people that look after you.

School for me represents life, you start something your parents subscribed you to without your knowledge – or consent- and is expected to do well at it. Then, you meet many people, some you like and some you cannot stand, but still you’re forced to live alongside them for some time. All of you go through rough and less complicated stuff, as individuals and as an organism. Later in the ‘school life’ you all realize the end is coming, and that may touch you in a way you never thought it would. They say you only start to appreciate something the moment you start losing it. That’s true. Even though you may hate going to school, learning math, physics and any other subject you might abominate, when you realize it’s ending you start missing it, because after this ‘test drive life’ you’ll enter the real deal, and it’s terrifying. Therefore, you celebrate with them the time you had together in your last year, after all you shared most of your days with them. In addition, faster than you’d expect comes graduation day, which Is like school’s funeral, or at least your ‘school you’ funeral. Most people are dressed nicely, most cry, family is there and so are teachers. This is the time to say goodbye to your old self.

João is really close to my heart, it taught me that you can be unique and still be accepted. The people I met throughout this phase will always be dear to me. I will keep the lessons I learned close. Those people made me a better person – that is the best thing a school can offer you -and I hope I taught them something in return. They were a family to me, they made me cry and laugh. I’m going to miss them so much and only wish them the best of life.
Thank you guys.

Ivan Medeiros

My School Journey

I've started my journey in 2002, when I was 2 years old, and now I am about to graduate, almost 15 years later. All my life I was inside this school's atmosphere, so I've passed for many happy moments, sad ones, learning ones, and many others.
It all started when my mom left me for the first time, my memories are few, but I remember that since my first moements over there I was able to make friends that I am still in touch and even going to graduate within. My first years were almost just fun, I've started to learn basic things about relationships and habilities, and as the years started to pass, I was forced to get mature, say godbye to meny friends and meet some ones that I consider part of my family now (S.O.I. S2), and of course, many responsabilities started to show up, and again I saw myself having to learn how to handle with many changes acroos the years.
With no doubts, João XXIII became a second home for me, all the games, difficulties, tests, argues, friendships, and of course, all the incredible teachers that I had the chance to get to know much better away from class, are always having a special place in my memory. Eventough school is about to end, I'm sure that it's no the end, all the moments and people that have marked my life will be with me forever.

Ivan Medeiros - 2016

School Times - Raphael Mayer 3A

School Times

   I remember a few things of my old school, because I had been in a bad situation. I remember my friend Brito. He was so funny. We were always talking about technology, science, philosophy, videogames. Basically nerd things, boy things as well. I don't like to tell the bad situations there, because I had a lot of it. My old classmates didn't have respect and decency, but that's not important anymore to write about it.

    I enter last year in João and it change a lot. I've been very well receive here. I remember the day I met Ramón. I was reading Noite na Taverna when he suddenly appear from nowhere. He said to me hi, and he asked with I wanna to walk and talk with him. I said later. And later we have done it. Since that day we walked together, we are friends. Later Junga enter in our group and Nikolas as well.
      I fell happier today, with the guys (Igorzin, Dani, Dedé, Gabão, Liposa and Petão of course), the guys from the music group, the teachers and with my class.

Laura Peres

When I was four years old I entered Joao XXIII, and started to make ballet and I met
Catharina, we became really friends. We had an awesome friend(whose
name I can't remember), the thing about him that made him awesome, was that he was the only boy that wasn't ashamed to play "mamãe e filinha" with me and my friends, but unfortunelly his family moved to Australia in the middle of the year.
And I felt really sad, because we wouldn't have a dad to play anymore. In 2006 I started the ensino fundamental and met Isabella, after some time Isabella, Catharina and I were best friends and we did everything together. 
In fifth grade I started to study in the morning, and by consequence I stopped talking to them, as much as I did before. And then I met Luisa Dall'Agnol and we travelled a lot together, in the eighth grade we met Julia and we travelled togheter to London. There we had some great adventures and our friendship  really got stronger.
In the third year of high school, I changed classes, and moved to a really great class, with really great people, that certainly  made a difference in my third year.

A bit about my school life

My school life is made by three different schools experiences; I am going to talk about two of them, which I spent in Brazil. 

João Paulo I - The place I frequented since I was 4 years old to 15 years old. I spent the majority of the school years in that school. A place where I spent my childhood, learned the alphabet and wrote the introduction of the story of my life. As I imagine it is to everyone, specially as a child, the school is like your second home, where you make your first friends, have a wonderful time playing games and create a sense of sharing and learning. It was in João Paulo where I met my best friends, which have been with me for many years, living the craziest stories and making things easier. In the begging years, João Paulo was great. But then, a time where I started questioning things and wondering if the conservative way they taught the subjects and the way they did not talked about other things rather than what "vestibular" would ask us, if that was what I wanted as a base for my founding knowledge. I decided it wasn't. I wanted something more human and natural. I wanted somewhere where they value your qualities, appreciate and incentive you to be the best version of yourself not a mold of what society is expecting. So, that is the reason I went to João XXIII.

João XXIII- I spent 2 years in this school and I am already full of beautiful and great memories about it. I moved to the school by myself, I just knew one or two people there. It was a brave thing, I have to admit it. In the first months I was very welcomed by my friendly classmates and everyone made me feel comfortable and included. That was cool. I remember I was very surprised about the differences between people, everyone was so weird in such a nice way. In my old school, there were a lot of arrogant and snob people who I am sure would not make you feel good about you wanting to express yourself. And here, no one cares. Of course nowhere is perfect and sometimes, mostly nowadays, I can't "take" school anymore and I just feel is ending when it should. I am ready and excited and scared to move on and face different challenges. I believe this 2 years had contributed so positively to who I am and I am very thankful to the teachers I had and the friends I made. 

Me and the sweethearts Serena and Rafaela2.  
Me and my old mate Rafinha dying in the Gincana.  
Me and neno.  
Me and Lazza queridão very tired in the gincana.  
Ana with her mouth full.  
Ana and me being hippie posers. 

Nice shot from a school trip to gramado.

Not much to say.. just a selfie in the bathroom.

Me and Rafa getting prepared to the big game. 

Heloisa - 3C - 2016

I'm in JoaoXXIII since I was 1, since 2001. I have many stories, but my favorite has to be from fifth grade, I think.
I got into creepy stuff and ghosts, so I started calling the "bathroom blonde", sort of like bloody mary. I had a big ritual and all, it was creepy ahahah!! But I started scaring the other girls and their parents started to talk to the principal, so they asked me to stop...
Now I am graduating with most of these girls but what scares them -and me- now is the uncertainty of the future. What will it be like next year? Bathroom Blonde doesn't seem so bad now.

Maria Eduarda

When I started studying in the mornings, it was really different and scary. There were much more kids and the pressure to fit in grew a lot.
In the first days it was really harder to wake up so early. I would sleep in class even. I had to adjust all my schedule and everything.
One of my best friends switched schools, but I made many new friends.
I'm glad that I got used to it, I even sort of like it now. I have all my afternoons cleared up to study and do whatever I want, which is great!

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016

I entered the school in 2006, I live with many people and spent several important moments from the year that I entered the school.

But the moments that really marked me happened from the seventh grade in 2011, the year of travel for the Missions. The first trip where we would spend the night outside.

The following year was the trip to São Paulo, which was one of the greatest expectations of the year .. All very looking forward to it with previous years reports of the will and anxiety increased every day .. And when the day came, it was exciting because it was not a normal output, as here until the Quinta Resort where we had gone several times, but a plane trip to another state with the school. And the long-awaited day has passed so quickly that I just wanted to come back. In addition to the trip to São Paulo, that year was also the year of graduation, a long-awaited moment for many people, time would pass from one phase to another, where we would leave the key and would enter on average, more responsibilities, more materials more pressure but also more stories, they are good or bad.

Came the first year when we had to make a short film about a story, our group was seven girls and one boy, which made it more difficult, but no less funny, on the contrary, never laughed so much as those recordings. And Jessica and I were part of a short fellow, the detail of this whole story is that I did everything to not appear in the short of my group and appeared in another.

In the second year the best part was when we did the FMA, a job that had to make a music parodies with the three laws of Newton and record a video singing. But I do not how to speak well of this epoch for the simple fact that I have repeated the year, but do not want to go into detail about this..
In the second second year, we had some good things, among them have made new friends, and have made another video of the AMF, taking into account that this was a project of the second year.

Third year (Hallelujah) the year of graduation, as expected, which is being very productive with various learning and already feeling of longing. After all, eleven years in a school, more than half of my life, is not little, sure many lived moments will stay in the memory forever, and the nostalgia of childhood days and adolescents, where we could go wrong and the world in charged both , will stay. But it will not be greater than the fault that some people will make in our lives are years of seeing the same people and the same environment, for "Suddenly" is over and we have to kind of forced to move on stage, phase with more responsibilities and duties, and where we see that the world is not as easy as within the school walls.

Anna Paula Cantu da Silva 3C

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2016

Gianny Maydana e Laura Gomes 3C

I (Gianny) went to school in 2011 and I (Laura) in the year 2014. In the sixth grade Gianny met new people and soon had to adapt to new colleagues again because the three groups were divided to form two. In this exchange best he met an already friend named Valentina, who also became Laura's friend after entering the first year of high school.
This year came two friends who became important people: Leticia and Laura. This year, the three of us became best friends. During this whole high school career many things happened -mainly fun - such as Laura say that a substitute teacher had breath and needed an umbrella to protect his spittle without realizing that she was behind, Laura and know andre could not sing the national anthem, made mistakes as: ouviram do epiranga e um povo herói conrado e retumbante.
During the first year Laura won the macaulay nickname because of an inside joke (an allusion to actor Macaulay Culkin). Gianny was colicky, was asking for a remedy for a girl of eighth graders, and asked that Laura was with her, it was raining and Laura fell on the stairs bouncing on the steps until it stops. In short shows the short Laura was muted and she became very angry (it's very funny to see her angry). Along the way we both were not very close to the rest of the class, although we kept a good relationship with all, we were very focused on the study, taking advantage of each class and each work, we intend to study medicine and would love to be colleagues again.