quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

Ivan Medeiros

My School Journey

I've started my journey in 2002, when I was 2 years old, and now I am about to graduate, almost 15 years later. All my life I was inside this school's atmosphere, so I've passed for many happy moments, sad ones, learning ones, and many others.
It all started when my mom left me for the first time, my memories are few, but I remember that since my first moements over there I was able to make friends that I am still in touch and even going to graduate within. My first years were almost just fun, I've started to learn basic things about relationships and habilities, and as the years started to pass, I was forced to get mature, say godbye to meny friends and meet some ones that I consider part of my family now (S.O.I. S2), and of course, many responsabilities started to show up, and again I saw myself having to learn how to handle with many changes acroos the years.
With no doubts, João XXIII became a second home for me, all the games, difficulties, tests, argues, friendships, and of course, all the incredible teachers that I had the chance to get to know much better away from class, are always having a special place in my memory. Eventough school is about to end, I'm sure that it's no the end, all the moments and people that have marked my life will be with me forever.

Ivan Medeiros - 2016

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