quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

I Guess This is Goodbye

I vividly remember how my first school experience felt (which is very strange, considering that I was about 3 years old). I remember not wanting to go to kinder garden. I didn’t want to leave the house, the comfort, my parents. I guess the only thing that got me to go was my brother (that’s what I´ve been told). Having my twin there with me apparently made me more confident. When we got there I didn´t want to let go of my dad´s hand, I couldn´t. But as soon as this kid came up to me and asked if I wanted to play with him, I felt immediately at home. My parents left and time flew by quickly, once I realized it was already time to leave, I was devastated. I didn´t want to go home. I wanted to stay there, having fun and nap time.
A few years went by and on the last year of kinder garden I met this amazing girl, Bárbara. I remember starring at her blond hair falling as she went from the bottom of the “escadinha” right to the top, in less than 10 seconds (that´s what it seemed). We became friends instantly. We used to always go to each other´s houses, draw and watch TV all afternoon.

I remember feeling so grown up when we got into 1st grade (Bárbara and I went to the same school). I met some really amazing people, who ended up being my classmates until 7th grade: Duda, Klaus, Taikan and Gabriel.
On 3rd grade, this new girl became our classmate. Her name is Serena. She was always happy and friendly (no wonder we´re still friends). Me, Bárbara, Duda and Serena became best friends. On 4th grade there was another “new girl”, Bella, she had just moved from Botucatu (SP). I can´t properly explain how it felt to meet her, but I felt like I had known her my entire life. I don´t think I´ve ever had a better (best) friend than her. We used to be in so much synchrony with each other, people thought we were sisters, and we really were.

 A few years later I met my (male) best friend, William. Again, I don´t think I´ve ever been more close to somebody, than him. We had similar taste for everything, from music to hobbies. He was sort of my soulmate for a while.
My life was stable for a while, but then everything changed. Bella moved to Florianópolis and our class split up. I changed schools along with some of my best friends: Bárbara, Serena, Duda and Kaka. We started attending João XXIII, it was one of the most important and significant things I´d ever done. I barely knew my life was about to change forever.
At first I was so nervous about having new classmates, difficult tests, exams (trimestrais), and thought it was very strange to change classrooms from class to class. But then I got used to everything, and became friends with an amazing girl: Lauren. She was the first person who came to talk to us, she made us feel comfortable and at home at the new school. We´ve been best friends since then. 
That same year the school proposed a trip to London, to learn English. I went, along with Laura, Luísa, Renata, Luiza and some other girls. After the trip, I became good friends with Laura and the other girls, but only by the end of the year we were really close.

My 1st High School year was one of the bests. The whole class became really close and we started going out together, to parties, to the mall and even to the movies. I have many good memories from that year. It definitely “left a mark”.
I received a gift on my 2nd High School year, Rafaela. (Unfortunately, but fortunately) she had to take that grade again, and we ended up becoming friends, best friends (me + the whole party). She was, for sure, the most important thing that happened that year. Always painfully honest (in a good way) and opened minded, she conquered my heart. In the same year, I got invited to be a part of the student council, 2nd best thing I´ve ever done. It was so much fun planning everything for the “Gincana GEJ” and being responsible for translating the thoughts of students.

But I believe the most important decision (and best thing) I´ve ever done, was going to Canada as an exchange student, for 6 months. I loved everything about my time there, the people, my hosts, everyone I got to meet, the safety, the quiet, the food, the snow, springtime, summertime, and, most importantly, I loved that I got to go with Luísa. My time there allowed me to grow as a person, become more independent, more responsible, and be happier. Canada was a BIG part of my High School experience, even though time was short. 

Coming back to Brazil was harder than I thought. I had to leave my life there (in Canada) behind, put it on pause, and that wasn´t easy to do. Of course, seeing my friends again was gratifying, I missed them so much, I even missed getting mad at them. But this feeling that something had come to an end left a whole in my stomach. And the feeling won´t go away, especially now that we´re on our last High School year.
Every time I think about it I get nostalgic, I can´t believe it´s ending. This knot forms in my throat, and I can nor breathe or cry. I´m not quite sure what it is, but it doesn´t feel good. I´m going to miss everyone so, so much. School has been an amazing journey, one that I´ll always carry in my heart. I can´t say friends are for life, but our connection sure is. I love you guys, and I´ll miss you. I can´t imagine how my life could´ve been without you. We´ll keep in touch. <3

Júlia Chaves

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