quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

Time to say goodbye - Vitória Batistella, 3A

My school life went from Rosário to Leo beta and then João XXIII. I won’t focus on the first two, because there are somethings I rather not think about. Anyways, I guess the thing that attracted me the most to João was the mini ‘zoo’, it was wonderful to me that a school could have cute animals and teach you stuff at the same time. I’ll admit, in my first few years I was really awkward - but not cute awkward- the type of awkward you try to stay away from. Somewhere along the way I grew out of that strange phase – I think I’m better now-. João was a real game changer to me, it was the first time a teacher actually cared for me and it felt good. It’s important to have people that look after you.

School for me represents life, you start something your parents subscribed you to without your knowledge – or consent- and is expected to do well at it. Then, you meet many people, some you like and some you cannot stand, but still you’re forced to live alongside them for some time. All of you go through rough and less complicated stuff, as individuals and as an organism. Later in the ‘school life’ you all realize the end is coming, and that may touch you in a way you never thought it would. They say you only start to appreciate something the moment you start losing it. That’s true. Even though you may hate going to school, learning math, physics and any other subject you might abominate, when you realize it’s ending you start missing it, because after this ‘test drive life’ you’ll enter the real deal, and it’s terrifying. Therefore, you celebrate with them the time you had together in your last year, after all you shared most of your days with them. In addition, faster than you’d expect comes graduation day, which Is like school’s funeral, or at least your ‘school you’ funeral. Most people are dressed nicely, most cry, family is there and so are teachers. This is the time to say goodbye to your old self.

João is really close to my heart, it taught me that you can be unique and still be accepted. The people I met throughout this phase will always be dear to me. I will keep the lessons I learned close. Those people made me a better person – that is the best thing a school can offer you -and I hope I taught them something in return. They were a family to me, they made me cry and laugh. I’m going to miss them so much and only wish them the best of life.
Thank you guys.

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