quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

A bit about my school life

My school life is made by three different schools experiences; I am going to talk about two of them, which I spent in Brazil. 

João Paulo I - The place I frequented since I was 4 years old to 15 years old. I spent the majority of the school years in that school. A place where I spent my childhood, learned the alphabet and wrote the introduction of the story of my life. As I imagine it is to everyone, specially as a child, the school is like your second home, where you make your first friends, have a wonderful time playing games and create a sense of sharing and learning. It was in João Paulo where I met my best friends, which have been with me for many years, living the craziest stories and making things easier. In the begging years, João Paulo was great. But then, a time where I started questioning things and wondering if the conservative way they taught the subjects and the way they did not talked about other things rather than what "vestibular" would ask us, if that was what I wanted as a base for my founding knowledge. I decided it wasn't. I wanted something more human and natural. I wanted somewhere where they value your qualities, appreciate and incentive you to be the best version of yourself not a mold of what society is expecting. So, that is the reason I went to João XXIII.

João XXIII- I spent 2 years in this school and I am already full of beautiful and great memories about it. I moved to the school by myself, I just knew one or two people there. It was a brave thing, I have to admit it. In the first months I was very welcomed by my friendly classmates and everyone made me feel comfortable and included. That was cool. I remember I was very surprised about the differences between people, everyone was so weird in such a nice way. In my old school, there were a lot of arrogant and snob people who I am sure would not make you feel good about you wanting to express yourself. And here, no one cares. Of course nowhere is perfect and sometimes, mostly nowadays, I can't "take" school anymore and I just feel is ending when it should. I am ready and excited and scared to move on and face different challenges. I believe this 2 years had contributed so positively to who I am and I am very thankful to the teachers I had and the friends I made. 

Me and the sweethearts Serena and Rafaela2.  
Me and my old mate Rafinha dying in the Gincana.  
Me and neno.  
Me and Lazza queridão very tired in the gincana.  
Ana with her mouth full.  
Ana and me being hippie posers. 

Nice shot from a school trip to gramado.

Not much to say.. just a selfie in the bathroom.

Me and Rafa getting prepared to the big game. 

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