terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2016

Kunduz Hospital Airstrike -- Fábio Rodrigues, Arthur Silva.



                    In this photograph released by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on October 3, 2015, fires burn in part of the MSF hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz after it was hit by an air strike. An air strike on a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz on October 3 left three Doctors Without Borders staff dead and dozens more unaccounted for, the medical charity said, with NATO conceding US forces may have been behind the bombing. The MSF facility is seen as a key medical lifeline in the region and has been running "beyond capacity" during recent fighting that saw the Taliban seize control of the provincial capital for several 



segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2016

Individual Task

1. Watch the videos about journalism / news / media to reflect about this subject!

2. Read all the news articles in the blog.

3. Choose one you consider interesting and make a comment, including;
- your opinion on the topic
- a different point of view on this subject/fact, based on another article/reference
- the references you used

4. Your comment must have at least 5 lines and must be posted up to the weekend - 14/05) .
5. A complete and relevant comment will give you 0,5.

Do not forget to sign your name on the comment!

Have fun!

Teachers Helena and Janaína

The moral bias behind your seach results

Top 8 unbiased sources

Alisa Miller: The news about the news

Kirk Citron: And now, the real news

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016

Poop in a Politician- Raphael, Juliano, Nikolas and Gabriel FW

 Gabriel F, Juliano, Raphael e Nikolas

The congressman Jair Messias Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) has been the subject of many spotlight in recent months due to certain statements .Many protests have taken over the country due to parliamentary speech in the House of Representatives honoring Colonel Brilhante Ustra such testimony led to another deputy, Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ), to spit in Bolsonaro's face.

The action of Parliament Jean Wyllys in the Impeachment of the president Dilma, led some students to protest just as Jean. In this example below, students of Ufac, stuck the poster with the photo of Bolsonaro and the phrase "spit the target."

Another example of protest, but this time in São Paulo in the Paulista avenue. It was time for a feminist urinate and defecate in the photo of Bolsonaro. After she finished the service, people wrapped applauded and justified, "it was an artistic protest".

Fontes: http://www.ilisp.org/noticias/esquerdista-urina-e-defeca-em-foto-de-bolsonaro-no-meio-da-avenida-paulista/

Security measures or privacy invasion?

Welcome to the 21st century. Here we have lot's of great things, including the internet. And do you know what people tend to do with great things? Ruin them for the others.
Internet is supposed to be a free place, witch belongs to no one and where every one can share their thoughts, opinions and creations, within a certain limit, because things like child pornography and drug-selling websites are not seen on normal web - on surface web. Overall, it is a democratic place to share your thoughts and store your information.
But instead of being this free place where people can do whatever they want, and share it with whoever they select, governments around the world are changing the game - by breaking the rules.
National Security Agencies from various countries have taken the internet as an opportunity for monitoring and spying on their own citizens, all under the excuse of the "war on terror".  But how do they do it?
Considering that some countries don't have the funds or infrastructure to hack into their citizens network, whole nations actually hire the service, buying it off-shelf. But who would provide such information about thousands of civilians from a foreign country? Well, there sure are a lot of people who do it because it is a 5 billion dollar industry.

And why should we - innocent civilians who have nothing to hide - fear that the government is obtaining information which we assumed was private?
Being monitored and being aware of it changes our human behavior. There have been many studies about it. Also, we don't know what the government is doing with the information they are getting. 
There is no limit to the access they have. Even encrypted information is just a few clicks away from the nations authorities.

Heloísa Marshall, Lucas Toniolo & Matheus Rabelo, 3C

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

The World Trade Center - Ana Carolina Carra, Henrique Bonacina e Sophia Berger 3ºC

The World Trade Center

In the 11th day of Semptember 2001, nineteen terrorists from Al Qaeda kidnapped four planes, three of them hitted their targets and one fell on the rural zone of Pensilvania, known as the flight 93 from United Airlines. Osama Bin Laden ordered that they should hit every target, however the target from flight 93 has never been discovered but some people speculate that it was the white house or the national congress of USA. 

One of the targets, and the most  talked about, was the World Trade Center. The planes crashed into the building at 8:40 am and after an hour on fire, the building collapsed with no chances of repair. 
This unjustifiable attack was the way the terrorists thought was better way to criticize the american support in Israel, the american sanctions imposed in Iraq and the presence of european troops in Saudi Arabic.
The impact of the outrage was enormous. World Trade Center was an important and figurative place for american economy. 

About this subject, a lot of critics exists involving president Bush. Some people say that Bush could have avoided the attack but he did not took the necessary measures, at least to look at the possible terrorists attack polygraph and acts to prevent it.
Another mistake, they say, it is that Bush blamed Iraq for the attack. Which we know was the group from Al Qaeda. He attacked Iraq and killed some people and not the people who was responsible for the terrorist attack. A lot of things changed after the attack, but not only on the defense sector of USA, but on the security of all airports of the world, they´ve increased the security features, such as the x-ray device, and the cockpit in flight visit of the was prohibited.

SeaWorld shut down

        Luisa Neves, Maria Eduarda P, Laura Peres 3C

 SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. is shutting down its killer whale shows and will eventually stop keeping the animals in captivity, bowing criticism of its care of the sea creatures as depicted in the documentary “Blackfish”. The current generation of orcas will be the last in SeaWorld’s care, the Orlando, Florida based company said in a statement Thursday. Park visitors will be able to see the   animals in “natural orca encounters” rather than watching them perform.

      SeaWorld has struggled with declining attendance and share performance since the 2013 release of “Blackfish”, a documentary that criticizes its care of captive orcas. In November, the California Coastal Commission approved a $100 million expansion of the company’s San Diego killer whale tank, under the condition that the company stop breeding the whales there. The company had initially said it would sue to reverse that decision. “As society’s understanding of orcas continues to change, SeaWorld is changing with it”, Chief Executive Officer Joel Manby said.

     New orca educational programs will begin at its San Diego Park next year, followed by San Antonio and then Orlando in 2019. “The decision to end its orca breeding program globally and to commit to ending the collection of exhibit animals from the wild, as well as to a “no orca” policy should SeaWorld expand its brand into new international markets, is a monumental and important first step forward in achieving more humane business model for the company”, Naomi Rose, a marine mammal scientist at the institute, said in a statement.

The influence of fitness bloggers on girls and womans

Now we see a lot of people in search of a healthy life, from famous bloggers, actors and actresses that influential people are considered, as any other person that suffers their influences. Behind the desire of a healthy life the search exists for the "ideal body", that was always imposed on us. A lot of people make diets, they buy alimentary supplements and they are devoted a lot to that, however not all the people have an attendance of a nutricionist or personal trainer and they end making things that make the health badly, and then what should help finishes harming. Usually girls and women are more affected for that "new one was" for the pressure of the mídias and for the insecurity with his/her body. With the growth of those blogs and other nets, the exhibition of the pattern is more influential. This bloggers have followers in their pages that cross 300 thousand, doing with that the body there exposed it turns a desire.
The blogs had beginning as being a "virtual diary", where the people (most young) published the things that thought / narrated of some event or experience. In the beginning blog had action 100% recreational, but with passing ,they began to have a lot of search. The objective of the blogs changed a little of a time for here, a lot of people post with the intention of profiting with that and per times they end up passing wrong information.

An example of as the idea of being healthy and the way which that is maintained can become something preoccupying and bad its that Gabriela Pugliesi, a very famous fitness blogger, published some videos in Snapchat, motivating that their followers sent nude pictures for the friends, and case those girls "escaped" from the diet the pictures would be drained in the social net.

After published the videos , many people criticized the blogger with the argument that leak intimate photos can’t be seen as a joke, as many women suffer from it
 Rafaela Martellet, Bárbara Parode, Serena Bastos e Lauren Castro

'MEMES : It surprised us all !', by Carlo G., Lucas N., Luiza H. and Pedro S. - 3rd(EM) A

Resultado de imagem para swampman


Memes are important figures of ideas and they're the newest form of art from the 21st century. They are jokes attributed to an image which has a singular meaning and it makes all even funnier in our recent world of communication, where things easily go viral. Today, meme's epidemy has already being spread all over the world. But it wasn’t always like that.

They first started as a single grain of sand on the beach of internet. Then, it became more and more popular with their dissemination in websites that were focused in funny posts, always trying to reach the limits of the (then) little known internet (sites such as 9GAG, Reddit, 4chan, HugeLOL and, later, ‘knowyourmeme’). Later, it got popular to the point of being overly spread on social networks (mainly Facebook).
We are still witnessing the evolution of this form of communication, as we see it getting even more improved inside social critics, everyday anecdotes or simply the purest nonsensical gem. They can happen anytime, anywhere, it only needs someone to create the perfect imagetic joke to each situation and able us to get the reference.

2005 London Bombings.
Alice S., Martina B., Pedro L., e Renata R. (3A)

7 July 2005, suicide bombers struck London's transport network, killing 52 people and injuring over 770 others. Around 8:50am three blasts happened, almost simultaneously, on the London Underground. Aldgate, Edgware Road and Russell Square stations were victimized by the suicide attacks. The fourth one happened a little while later, at 9:47am, on a bus that had been diverted via Tavistock Square.
 This was thought to be the work of al-Qaida.The attacks took place as world leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, were meeting at the G8 summit in nearby Scotland. In his remarks after learning of the blasts, Blair called the attacks barbaric and pointed out that their taking place at the same time as the G8 summit was most likely purposeful.Two weeks later a series of other terrorist attemps failed to cause injury or damage. Two of the bombers made videotapes describing their reasons for becoming what they called "soldiers". The names of the terrorist were Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Germaine Lindsay
There were limited reactions to the attack in the world economy as measured by financial market and exchange rate activity. The value of the British pound decreased 0.89 c
Since the bombings, the United Kingdom and other nations have honoured the victims in several ways. Most of these memorials have included moments of silence, candlelit vigils, and the laying of flowers at the attack sites. US President George W. Bush visited the British embassy the day after the bombings, upon his return from the G8 summit in Scotland, and signed a book of condolence.In Washington, D.C., the US Army band played "God Save the Queen”.

Ebola Danrlei R, Ivan M e Thassia N 3C


The virus has 5 kinds. The most lethal of them is Zaire, which is predominant in the epidemic that strikes Africa since 2014 and is considered the biggest in the history of the virus. Between March and October of that year, almost 5000 people died.

The virus first appeared in 1976 in simultaneously epidemics in Nzara, Sudan and Yambuko, Congo, a region situated near by the river Ebola, which gives the name to the virus. Fruit bats are considered the natural carries of Ebola. The mortality tax goes from 25% to 90%, depending on the kind of the virus.

Ebola can be transmitted by animals and humans. It's not a air transmitted disease. The transmission by another human happens when blood, secretions and others body fluids get in touch with another person that has the virus.
The contact with corpses, in funerals, for example, is one of the most common ways to contract the disease. The african funeral involves many people touching the corpse, in a demonstration of love and respect to that person. However, the virus gets stronger in the last hours of life and that makes the transmission risk much bigger.

What are the symptoms of the disease?
Initially, the symptoms are not specifics and make the diagnostic harder. This are some of the symptoms that usually feature Ebola: fever, body pain, headache and sore throat. After the initially symptoms, the patient presents vomit, diarrhea, itching, deficiency in liver and kidney functions, and in some cases, internal and external bleeding.

To heal the disease, the normal procedure is supportive therapy, which consists in hydrating the patient, maintain their oxygen levels and blood pressure and treating infections that may appear.

Danrlei R, Ivan M e Thassia N 3C

A new epidemic of  Influenza A (H1N1) arrives in Brazil

Influenza A, also known as swine flu, was first recognized in the pandemic of 1919 and is still circulating as a seasonal influenza virus. it is caused by the variety of H1N1 influenza virus started in pigs(Between 2009 and 2010 about 99% of cases of influenza caused by Influenza A (H1N1) were caused by pigs).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 207 countries reported  cases of H1N1 that were comfirmed between 2009 and 2010, when happened a pandemic of the disease. During this period, almost nine thousand people were dead by Influenza H1N1.

The virus arrived earlier this year in Brazil. In March 2016 the number of cases only in São Paulo, exceeded the amount of sick people of 2015. Were presented  260 cases  and 38 dead people in São Paulo until March 2016,  and 141 cases in Brazil with 36 deaths in the year of 2015

There is no certainty about the reason for this large number of cases to be happening anytime soon, but scientists speculate that people on vacation traveled to the northern hemisphere, where it is cooler, and returned bringing the virus, which has spread here yet in the summer / fall

Children, elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases or immune deficiencies are most vulnerable. After the symptoms, treatment should start within 48 hours, with medical guidance. In  addition to vaccination, it is important to wash your hands and avoid places with high concentrations of people.

The are less than 150 000 cases per year in Brazil and it can be prevented by flu vaccine. This is a trivalent vaccine, which at the same time protects against H1N1 virus and also protects against H3N2 viruses and influenza B viruses that cause the common flu.

The diagnosis of influenza is through blood tests because its symptoms are similar to the common flu but it's just a little stronger. The treatment includes bed rest, analgesics, and fluids.
It's easily spreads by respiratory droplets in the air (coughing and sneezing), occurred by saliva (kissing and shared drinks), contact with contaminated surfaces (blanket or knob), The H1N1 virus can stay alive on inanimate objects for up to 8 hours. A simple cleaning with soap or detergent is enough to kill him.

The symptoms are: fever, cough, sore throat, headache, muscles pain,diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, nasal congestion,  runny nose or sneezing.

Names: Anna Paula; Gianny: Laura Gomes; Letícia (3C)

 Brazil surprises the world again with the idea of limited internet.

  While all the countries are taking one step forward, Brazil is taking two steps back.

  On April 18th Anatel's presidente João Rezende comunicated that the age of "unlimited" internet access is coming to an end. This proposition was already being discussed between all the major telecomunication companies, and this is already a thing on mobile services.
  João Rezende says:"We can't work knowing that the users will have an unlimited service with no cost". He explains that there is no place in the internet for everyone and also he pinned part of the blame  on gamers, saying that they consume other people's internet.
  The reason for this limit (as stated by Renato Pontual the regional director for Vivo Nordeste) is that when imposed it will lower the costs for users that don't consume a lot of their bandwidth wich are right now being charged the same price as the "High Users" (if both are paying for the same package) or people that just use more than them. Some people disagree with that reasoning saying that when the limit is surpassed (wich according to them is not a difficult thing to happen) the service is going to get much worse and more expensive than the previous Unlimited Plans and basically damage the other side of the spectrum, the "High Users".

  Because of the brazilian population and all the online riots, Anatel changed it's mind and postponed the measure to 2017. On this wednesday (May 4th), João Rezende was called up by the consumer protection committe of the parliament to clarify the intentions of the telecomunication companies in ending the unlimited internet plans. Furthermore Anatel has given more details on the issue saying that a preemptive warning must be issued by every telecomunications commpany before the internet limit is breached, otherwise the limit is considered to not have been surpassed.
                                                                              Anatel's president João Rezende

  It is also important to report that not the entirety of the population seems to be against this measure, some say that it is acceptable and people are just overreacting, the main analogy they make is that if you strike a deal with someone saying you will provide them with 200 oranges a month for a monthly fee and they go and consume 300 oranges, would you charge them the same monthly fee? The same can be applied to the internet providers, it's unfair for them. The problem with that analogy lies within the contract of stationary internet plans, some of those contracts do not state a limit of data to be used therefore by virtue of the their own contract, internet providers are not being treated unfairly.
  To provide so more insight as to why people seem som angered by this limitation: The main gripe is with, of course, the limit itself, people want the best possible access to the biggest type of media in actuality, another big complaint is that the service provided isn't even that good to begin with, customer support is nearly unaccessible and the prices are already high enough, the proposition only serves to fill with even more money the pockets of directors and managers from the major telecomunication companies. However the depth of the complications the limit would couse only seems to increase, limiting user access inevitably lowers traffic on all web pages, people that depend on their sites ad revenue to survive will be severely affected by tha limitation, apps and softwares that constantly use bandwidth will also have to be either updated or blocked by users.

 How does it work?

     Simple, currently people pay for internet access at a specific speed of their choice, as long as the monthly fee is paid, the access remains, regardless of how much data is consumed (That is not true to all internet services as some of them already have a limit stated in their contracts) what João Rezende states is that the price per month should change according to how much data is consumed, plans would state a specific limit to where the given speed and price would be valid, surpassing that limit would mean that the speed and cost stated in the contract would not be the one used for any further access, instead upon surpassing the limit the speed would fall or the cost would  rise (They aren't both mutually exclusive).
    It is also important to remind that this explanation is only valid to stationary internet services not mobile internet services, as the latter already have predetermined data usage limits on their plan.

By: Vinícius Alves, Joaquim Lucena and Augusto Varella