terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016

The Rise of ISIS

                      The Rise of ISIS 

    In this work we intend to bring up a light on the Isis subject, because such a complex organization isin't easy to understand. Here we are going to explain it's storie and also it's "goals" as a organization.

                          The History of ISIS

   In the year 1988 the whole world had it's eyes turned to the midle east, because they we're in the middle of the Afeganistan crisis.The situation in Afeganistan We're, Russia had invaded the country with the intention to protect the vigent governament(which was beeing deposed by insurgent,that we're against the socialism implanted in the country).In such crisis the USA saw an opportunity to withrow the socialist governament, so to achive such objective America intentionaly founded antigornament groups. In one of those groups there was a guy called Osama Bin Laden. To give the ability for them to achive their goal the US governament gave them the training and the money to turn them into a unoficial army.
  After the war ended the USA stop giving support to those insurgent trops but they still existed and we're very well founded an well trained militar groups,which we're very powerfull and well known to be violent.Some years later the group disrupted it self into many groups, the most well known group is knwon as Al Qaeda,also known as the religious extremist group. Al Qaeda is the group responsible for the 9/11.
  In the year 1999 the world met a new extremist group the ISIS,they made a very interesting entrance to the world as a whole as a new wing of Al Qaeda in Syria,in 2011 after USA withdrawal their trops in the country, ISIS made a plan to throw the gorvenament.

                                   ISIS today

By the year 2013 ISIS had siged crontol of a great part of Syria and a part of Iraque:

-The Laws inside Isis: Inside the Slamic State the laws are based in the Alcoran, all the laws are directly conected to the dogmas of the Slamic religion.As an example, if drink alcholic drinks you'll get arested,bacause drinking such things are a crime in their religion.
-The comerce inside Isis: All kinds of comerce made inside of the Isis is controled by them, they control the comerce with the intention to give to people a fair price over everything. So no one overpays something or someone underprofits over something.
-The Army inside Isis: In the Slamic state there is a very big ifluence of the army on day to day events, all aspects of the daily life is controled by the army, they also work as a police.

Some links that may help you with your research about ISIS:

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