quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

Ebola Danrlei R, Ivan M e Thassia N 3C


The virus has 5 kinds. The most lethal of them is Zaire, which is predominant in the epidemic that strikes Africa since 2014 and is considered the biggest in the history of the virus. Between March and October of that year, almost 5000 people died.

The virus first appeared in 1976 in simultaneously epidemics in Nzara, Sudan and Yambuko, Congo, a region situated near by the river Ebola, which gives the name to the virus. Fruit bats are considered the natural carries of Ebola. The mortality tax goes from 25% to 90%, depending on the kind of the virus.

Ebola can be transmitted by animals and humans. It's not a air transmitted disease. The transmission by another human happens when blood, secretions and others body fluids get in touch with another person that has the virus.
The contact with corpses, in funerals, for example, is one of the most common ways to contract the disease. The african funeral involves many people touching the corpse, in a demonstration of love and respect to that person. However, the virus gets stronger in the last hours of life and that makes the transmission risk much bigger.

What are the symptoms of the disease?
Initially, the symptoms are not specifics and make the diagnostic harder. This are some of the symptoms that usually feature Ebola: fever, body pain, headache and sore throat. After the initially symptoms, the patient presents vomit, diarrhea, itching, deficiency in liver and kidney functions, and in some cases, internal and external bleeding.

To heal the disease, the normal procedure is supportive therapy, which consists in hydrating the patient, maintain their oxygen levels and blood pressure and treating infections that may appear.

Danrlei R, Ivan M e Thassia N 3C

4 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. It is important to note that the Ebola disease was a major epidemic in the 1970s, and returned with great force in the 21 century, unfortunately killing many people. Due to the underdeveloped place were the disease has proliferated, many scientists consider not important to prevent Ebola. Despite being very contagious ebola has numbers of cases reduced. I saw a biology artcle on youtube and other sites and blogs.

  4. For me, Ebola has been a major issue, along with hunger and poverty in África, it gradually destroys África, it is a serious, contagious disease and kills people. It affects our head, muscles, our eyes bleed, and ends with our liver is horrible this disease. She returned with everything after 1970, causing a strong epidemic. It is also dangerous becausethe two types of Ebola: Ebola vírus and Ebola haemorrhagic the worst, its form of contagion is simple so it spreads so fast.
    Danrlei Rezende 3C
