quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

'MEMES : It surprised us all !', by Carlo G., Lucas N., Luiza H. and Pedro S. - 3rd(EM) A

Resultado de imagem para swampman


Memes are important figures of ideas and they're the newest form of art from the 21st century. They are jokes attributed to an image which has a singular meaning and it makes all even funnier in our recent world of communication, where things easily go viral. Today, meme's epidemy has already being spread all over the world. But it wasn’t always like that.

They first started as a single grain of sand on the beach of internet. Then, it became more and more popular with their dissemination in websites that were focused in funny posts, always trying to reach the limits of the (then) little known internet (sites such as 9GAG, Reddit, 4chan, HugeLOL and, later, ‘knowyourmeme’). Later, it got popular to the point of being overly spread on social networks (mainly Facebook).
We are still witnessing the evolution of this form of communication, as we see it getting even more improved inside social critics, everyday anecdotes or simply the purest nonsensical gem. They can happen anytime, anywhere, it only needs someone to create the perfect imagetic joke to each situation and able us to get the reference.

8 comentários:

  1. I fucking love those fucking memes man!!! This freakin shit is impressive as hell and stuff, ya dig? I hope memes get to everyfuckingwhere in this shitty world ma nigga. Lissen up: Trump is so fanny wit that taco head ya know? Look like one of those mexicans drug dealers LOL.


  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. It's funny because memes seem to be like a plague that has gone out of control, once an image goes viral there is no way back, it'll already be all over the internet. Even though some memes are funny, others can be seen as a way of cyberbullying. It's common for people to post vídeos on youtube and then become a meme, then suffer from embarrassment and shame as hundreds of people use their face next to "funny sentences". It's like what everyone says "once in the net, forever in the net". (Memes are a serious subject yo.) -Carolina B 3A

    1. And here is a link for more information: http://www.amazinginfographics.com/the-history-of-internet-memes/

  4. Memes are funny, but there are some that are not necessary, talking about controversial issues in na ironic way, but most often not controversial, so the best.

    Juliano 3A

  5. Memes really became an important part of today's culture, even if we don't consider it. I couldn't imagine my life without them, because my humor is intirely based on what the internet provides. Memes are also a great way to keep informed about what is happening, because is very common that News end up becoming memes. Even the huffington post has a page reserved only for memes mixed with information. I will link it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/memes/
    Renata Rizzon 3A

  6. IÊ-EH. Completely agree with this group you know? Memes are so present, before they were a thing only for them kidz, they were hip, but today even our grandmothers know them. Memes came and destroyed all other types of text. Instead of "enchancer linguinça" like other types of text do, memes go straight to the point, making it so more relevant than traditional text. Nowadays there are people who are called "living memes", these people bacame famous on the internet and became memes themselves.
    - Carlo FG
