quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

ISIS Next Target: RIO 2016 Daniel P, Gustavo S e Igor S.

                                       ISIS Next Target

                 Since 11/09/2001 the world hasn't been the same. Airports, stadiums, malls and even churches are now protected from rebels threats. But even with all safety that the governments are providing for those places, terrorists groups like ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria), are still creating panic and chaos around the globe.
                 The Olympics are coming, and a new threat arises in Brazil. 5 months ago, Máxime Hauchard (supposedly ISIS member), posted on his twitter: "Brazil, you are our next target. We can attack this shitty country". He didn't say how, when and where, but the authorities (Abin) think it'll happen this year, in Rio de Janeiro Olympics.
Ataques do ISIS        After all, should we be afraid of what's about to come? The last attacks of terrorism were both shocking and unexpected, since it happened in public areas, killed a lot of people and injured others, like in France in November of 2015. With the arrival of people from all over the world, that are coming to see and cheer for their homelands, makes this patriot scenario the perfect one for the rebels, so Abin is taking the risk very seriously, alerting everyone and taking care of security measures.                                                        

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