segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2016

Individual Task

1. Watch the videos about journalism / news / media to reflect about this subject!

2. Read all the news articles in the blog.

3. Choose one you consider interesting and make a comment, including;
- your opinion on the topic
- a different point of view on this subject/fact, based on another article/reference
- the references you used

4. Your comment must have at least 5 lines and must be posted up to the weekend - 14/05) .
5. A complete and relevant comment will give you 0,5.

Do not forget to sign your name on the comment!

Have fun!

Teachers Helena and Janaína

The moral bias behind your seach results

Top 8 unbiased sources

Alisa Miller: The news about the news

Kirk Citron: And now, the real news

Um comentário:

  1. The google is one of the best search tools, which help many today. Andreas Ekström says in the video '' The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Results '' that there are people who think that google is an impartial tool on their publications, but he cited examples to show that the already google was manifest some publications and other do not. I agree with your opinion of google not be impartial because it has evidence proving that. Google hasn't many publications on this subject, I did not find any about what was said in the video with a different point of view.Laura Gomes 3C
