quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

The World Trade Center - Ana Carolina Carra, Henrique Bonacina e Sophia Berger 3ºC

The World Trade Center

In the 11th day of Semptember 2001, nineteen terrorists from Al Qaeda kidnapped four planes, three of them hitted their targets and one fell on the rural zone of Pensilvania, known as the flight 93 from United Airlines. Osama Bin Laden ordered that they should hit every target, however the target from flight 93 has never been discovered but some people speculate that it was the white house or the national congress of USA. 

One of the targets, and the most  talked about, was the World Trade Center. The planes crashed into the building at 8:40 am and after an hour on fire, the building collapsed with no chances of repair. 
This unjustifiable attack was the way the terrorists thought was better way to criticize the american support in Israel, the american sanctions imposed in Iraq and the presence of european troops in Saudi Arabic.
The impact of the outrage was enormous. World Trade Center was an important and figurative place for american economy. 

About this subject, a lot of critics exists involving president Bush. Some people say that Bush could have avoided the attack but he did not took the necessary measures, at least to look at the possible terrorists attack polygraph and acts to prevent it.
Another mistake, they say, it is that Bush blamed Iraq for the attack. Which we know was the group from Al Qaeda. He attacked Iraq and killed some people and not the people who was responsible for the terrorist attack. A lot of things changed after the attack, but not only on the defense sector of USA, but on the security of all airports of the world, they´ve increased the security features, such as the x-ray device, and the cockpit in flight visit of the was prohibited.

Um comentário:

  1. In my opinion, the attack on the World Trade Center was a farce, including scientists have found explosives in the wreckage inside the building. The main goal was to create hatred against the Arabs to make war, and do disappear the 1.5 trillion dollars. The author believes that the Twin Towers attack was even run by terrorists
    and concludes that such an event will be forever a history of water divider.
