quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

A new epidemic of  Influenza A (H1N1) arrives in Brazil

Influenza A, also known as swine flu, was first recognized in the pandemic of 1919 and is still circulating as a seasonal influenza virus. it is caused by the variety of H1N1 influenza virus started in pigs(Between 2009 and 2010 about 99% of cases of influenza caused by Influenza A (H1N1) were caused by pigs).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 207 countries reported  cases of H1N1 that were comfirmed between 2009 and 2010, when happened a pandemic of the disease. During this period, almost nine thousand people were dead by Influenza H1N1.

The virus arrived earlier this year in Brazil. In March 2016 the number of cases only in São Paulo, exceeded the amount of sick people of 2015. Were presented  260 cases  and 38 dead people in São Paulo until March 2016,  and 141 cases in Brazil with 36 deaths in the year of 2015

There is no certainty about the reason for this large number of cases to be happening anytime soon, but scientists speculate that people on vacation traveled to the northern hemisphere, where it is cooler, and returned bringing the virus, which has spread here yet in the summer / fall

Children, elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases or immune deficiencies are most vulnerable. After the symptoms, treatment should start within 48 hours, with medical guidance. In  addition to vaccination, it is important to wash your hands and avoid places with high concentrations of people.

The are less than 150 000 cases per year in Brazil and it can be prevented by flu vaccine. This is a trivalent vaccine, which at the same time protects against H1N1 virus and also protects against H3N2 viruses and influenza B viruses that cause the common flu.

The diagnosis of influenza is through blood tests because its symptoms are similar to the common flu but it's just a little stronger. The treatment includes bed rest, analgesics, and fluids.
It's easily spreads by respiratory droplets in the air (coughing and sneezing), occurred by saliva (kissing and shared drinks), contact with contaminated surfaces (blanket or knob), The H1N1 virus can stay alive on inanimate objects for up to 8 hours. A simple cleaning with soap or detergent is enough to kill him.

The symptoms are: fever, cough, sore throat, headache, muscles pain,diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, nasal congestion,  runny nose or sneezing.

Names: Anna Paula; Gianny: Laura Gomes; Letícia (3C)

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