quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

The influence of fitness bloggers on girls and womans

Now we see a lot of people in search of a healthy life, from famous bloggers, actors and actresses that influential people are considered, as any other person that suffers their influences. Behind the desire of a healthy life the search exists for the "ideal body", that was always imposed on us. A lot of people make diets, they buy alimentary supplements and they are devoted a lot to that, however not all the people have an attendance of a nutricionist or personal trainer and they end making things that make the health badly, and then what should help finishes harming. Usually girls and women are more affected for that "new one was" for the pressure of the mídias and for the insecurity with his/her body. With the growth of those blogs and other nets, the exhibition of the pattern is more influential. This bloggers have followers in their pages that cross 300 thousand, doing with that the body there exposed it turns a desire.
The blogs had beginning as being a "virtual diary", where the people (most young) published the things that thought / narrated of some event or experience. In the beginning blog had action 100% recreational, but with passing ,they began to have a lot of search. The objective of the blogs changed a little of a time for here, a lot of people post with the intention of profiting with that and per times they end up passing wrong information.

An example of as the idea of being healthy and the way which that is maintained can become something preoccupying and bad its that Gabriela Pugliesi, a very famous fitness blogger, published some videos in Snapchat, motivating that their followers sent nude pictures for the friends, and case those girls "escaped" from the diet the pictures would be drained in the social net.

After published the videos , many people criticized the blogger with the argument that leak intimate photos can’t be seen as a joke, as many women suffer from it
 Rafaela Martellet, Bárbara Parode, Serena Bastos e Lauren Castro

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