quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

SeaWorld shut down

        Luisa Neves, Maria Eduarda P, Laura Peres 3C

 SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. is shutting down its killer whale shows and will eventually stop keeping the animals in captivity, bowing criticism of its care of the sea creatures as depicted in the documentary “Blackfish”. The current generation of orcas will be the last in SeaWorld’s care, the Orlando, Florida based company said in a statement Thursday. Park visitors will be able to see the   animals in “natural orca encounters” rather than watching them perform.

      SeaWorld has struggled with declining attendance and share performance since the 2013 release of “Blackfish”, a documentary that criticizes its care of captive orcas. In November, the California Coastal Commission approved a $100 million expansion of the company’s San Diego killer whale tank, under the condition that the company stop breeding the whales there. The company had initially said it would sue to reverse that decision. “As society’s understanding of orcas continues to change, SeaWorld is changing with it”, Chief Executive Officer Joel Manby said.

     New orca educational programs will begin at its San Diego Park next year, followed by San Antonio and then Orlando in 2019. “The decision to end its orca breeding program globally and to commit to ending the collection of exhibit animals from the wild, as well as to a “no orca” policy should SeaWorld expand its brand into new international markets, is a monumental and important first step forward in achieving more humane business model for the company”, Naomi Rose, a marine mammal scientist at the institute, said in a statement.

6 comentários:

  1. That's right! The whales should be free in the sea not in parks or circus.
    It shouldn't be kill by the men, nature will decide who will live or who will die, that's a natural process.
    We have to respect the nature, mainly this kind of animal that is so big and beautiful. The people that treats bad this kind of animal or any other, must be in jail!

    Gabriel Fachinello Wandscheer

  2. The abuse of animals is a real thing, and it is open for us to see it in zoos and aquariums. Since the protests against animal abuse started, and exclusively against orca abuses, authorities started to make some changes about it, but until now, nothing much. Considering all the damage that is being done to them in the aquariums, there should be an complete stop related to all the capturing and "domesticating" of animals.

    Guilherme Schüler

  3. Hi guys! nice topic you brought to the blog. It's a shame we still have to fight for animal's rights, but it is just starting. Sea World represents the evil industry that's been treating animals like shit. Not only in the entertainment área, but in the food as well.

    Lucas Noronha

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. Even today, people keep puting animals in to cages. I belive animals should'nt be put into cages or forced to be in some kind of "sick circus". The SeaWorld become a "big discussion", but this isn't the only place that mistreat animals. For exemple many people "give up on taking care of their dogs or cats", but these people may be also discussing against SeaWorld. I think this isan exemple of how destructive the humanity is these days.

    (have a look onthese link: http://www.laweekly.com/news/why-shutting-down-seaworld-is-not-the-answer-5031091)

    Alexandre Vianna 3 A

  6. Yeah, abuse of animals is a real problem that we are facing nowadays. It's good to see that there are people fighting against this terrible exploration. It's a shame that a big part of these people who are using animals to get money are just stopping because they have to and not because they realized how bad it is what they are doing. It shows how we treat life and nature.

    You can take a look at this post: http://www.ifaw.org/united-states/our-work/whales/cruelty-whaling

    Pedro R Lazzarotto
